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“ You don’t build a business
– you build people –
and then people build your business. ”

Zig Ziglar



HR Sensus - Business and life coach Jurgita Kolosinskaite

For Organisations to thrive, they need to enable their People to thrive; for People to thrive, they need Organisations that are supportive of thriving. I am here to enable and support both, in my capacity as a Strategic HR Expert consulting Organisations and Individuals. HR Sensus stands for HR that is truly added value and meaningful, for both – People and Business.

Jurgita Kolosinskaite, Strategic HR Expert and ICF Accredited Coach

Why HR Sensus?

The evolving HR department no longer applies a one-size-fits-all solution to the organization and instead uses a one-size-breaks-all approach. HR now realizes that each department and employee is different and that a different approach needs to be taken to meet individual needs. This is often implemented by spending time with individual employees and departments to find how HR can best support them and drive their strategies.


 Jacob Morgan

The services that HR Sensus offers are rooted in the importance of being Human and Leading Humans.

This is a core differentiator for HR professionals to make a positive difference; it is about a meaningful added value HR rather than HR that applies one-size-fits all solutions that are obsolete and that are oriented towards managing ‘Resources’ rather than ‘People’.

Organisations that apply obsolete non-value added and one-size-fits-all HR models will eventually become obsolete themselves and will miss out on the best asset and advantage that they could build for their Business now and in the future – Great People; and it is Great People who build Successful Businesses. Contrariwise, Organisations that embrace value-added and meaningful People Management (versus Resource Management) and that support their People thriving, will thrive themselves and will have the greatest asset of all – Great People building Great Businesses.

HR Sensus - Business and life coach Jurgita Kolosinskaite

If you would like to become an Organisation that builds Great People who build Great Business, or if you would like to unlock your own greatness and thrive within your Organisation,

reach out to HR Sensus for advice and guidance.

I am here to help you.

Are you interested in HR and People support that truly adds value and makes a positive difference?


Reach out to HR Sensus for advice and guidance.